Edsel Ford High School

Summer Leadership Character and Development Academy

Looking for a way to boost your resume and get real leadership experience?  Then look no further than the Marine Corps’ Summer Leadership Academy Opportunity!  From 17-23 July 2016, selected top students who will be juniors or seniors during the 2016-2017 school year can attend the USMC’s 5th Summer Leadership Character and Development Academy (SLCDA) in Quantico, VA.  This academy is FREE for those students who are selected (however transportation to and from Regan National Airport in Washington DC is the responsibility of each student).

SLCDA is similar to the various Service Academy Summer Seminars, however and in particular this academy is academically focused on developing character, leadership, ethics, morals, physical fitness and personal values.  Highlights of the academy include team building, leadership and ethics case studies and activities, daily physical fitness classes, distinguished speakers, a community service project, college guidance and advice, introduction to NROTC-Marine Option and other officer program opportunities, and visits to Washington, D.C. (Holocaust Museum, Congressional Visits, Department of Education).

Regardless of the individual student’s goals for his/her future and in addition to being a great “resume builder,” this academy seeks to equip each attendee with enhanced leadership skills and a heightened appreciation for ethics, morals, values and community service.  Additionally, students will receive a ‘snapshot’ of what the Marine Corps has to offer and espouses and if they are interested in a career in the Marine Corps’ Officer Programs, they will be provided with the literature to pursue it. If not, there is NO obligation.

Students interested in finding out more about this free, one-week leadership academy should visit https://www.mcrc.marines.mil/SLCDA/IfInterested.aspx. At this website, explicit instructions can be found regarding how to apply!  Interested students need to make sure they pay attention to all four steps of the application as noted.

The due date for applications is Friday, April 8th so don’t delay!