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Edsel Ford High School

February 24, 2016



Attention All Non-Seniors!   MBCC has reserved a tour date for Edsel Students on Wednesday, March 9th. There are limited spaces available for both a morning session and an afternoon session.  If you are interested in possibly attending Michael Berry, please come down to the Counseling Office before Monday, March 7th to sign up.  Note Freshmen:   Sophomores and Juniors attending MUSTl take priority. 

Anime Club meets in A1 on Wednesdays after school this semester. Feel free to stop by and see what it’s about!

Seniors!  As usual, the Edsel Ford art department is looking for this year’s outstanding senior artist!  If you are interested, please submit a portfolio to Ms. Daly in F13, or Mrs. Patroniti in F3 by Monday March 7th.

There will be a Softball Preseason meeting for all girls interested in playing softball this year.  The meeting will be TODAY, Wednesday February 24 in the cafeteria @ 2:20.

There will be a Tennis Preseason meeting for all girls interested in playing tennis this year.  The meeting will be Friday  February 26 in the cafeteria @ 3:30.

There will be a Baseball Preseason meeting for all anyone interested in playing baseball this year.  The meeting will be Tuesday March 1 in the cafeteria @ 3:30.

There will be an NHS meeting on Thursday, Feb. 25th at 2:20. We will meet in the auditorium.

Attention all big time wrestling fans…. Wednesday February 24 pro wrestling takes place at Edsel Ford.  Tickets will be sold TODAY during your lunch time.  Tickets sold in advance will cost 7 dollars for Adults and 5 dollars for kids.  Tickets at the door will be 10 dollars for adults and 7 for the kids.

Attention students: Tickets are now on sale for Edsel Ford’s most exciting event of the spring: the annual Sponge Dance.  This years theme is A Trip To Candyland, and it will be held on Friday, March 18th.  Tickets are $25 each, and only $45 for couples.  Buy your tickets today during A or B lunch, or in the Student Office after lunch.  Don’t miss out on this awesome night of fun, dancing, and – of course – lots of candy!

Guest pass applications for Sponge are available in the Student Office.  They are due by Wednesday, March 9th and the cost is $5.

Are you good at resolving conflict?  We are looking for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students that would like to be peer mediators here at Edsel.  Our first training will be on February 23rd.  Please see Mrs. Haddad during 1st thru 3rd hours upstairs in A200 or Ragih Murshed.  There will be 4 trainings in total and we will begin the peer mediation program mid to late march.

Engineering Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. today in the E-Hall computer lab.  All teams must attend this meeting.  Please see Mrs. Ahmed in room B-3 if you cannot attend this meeting.