Edsel Ford High School

Daily Bulletin: March 21, 2011


Monday, March 21st

Only 4 weeks to go!!

  • Boy’s Golf practice for Monday will be at Dearborn Hills Golf Course. Be there no later than 3:20.


  • There will be a mandatory Model UN meeting Wednesday after school in room B-9 for all students attending the MSU competition.

  • Students who participated in a winter sport are reminded to attend the banquet on Wednesday, March 23rd at 6pm.  If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Keveney in the Main Office.

  • Debate Club will meet Tuesday, March 22nd @ 4 p.m. in room B11.  We will begin preparing for our first debate against Fordson.  Everyone is welcome!!

  • Do you own any old gently used clothes not in use anymore?  There is now a clothing drive at Edsel Ford.  Donation bins are located around the school.  For any questions, contact Marwa Hammoud or Mrs. McAuliff.


  • Lunch is Nachos & Cheese and Chicken Noodle Soup.