Daily Announcements
Tuesday January 12th, 2010
Students who need to take ASAP classes after school 2nd semester: Registration will continue this week. Registration forms will be available all this week during lunch. Mr. Blessing and Mr. Farhat will be available to answer questions about ASAP scheduling and class offerings during both lunch periods.
All class officers AND student council officers: There will be a student coordination council meeting this Wednesday, Jan. 12th in room C-3 immediately after school.
There will be a brief softball meeting after school on Thursday, January 14th for any girls interested in playing softball for the upcoming season. The meeting will be held in the cafeteria.
Attention Seniors:
Senior party tickets will be on sale after the Senior assembly on January 14th for $35, the price goes up February 5th to $50. Tickets will not be sold at the door. So make sure you buy your tickets early.
Attention Seniors: There are a couple more spaces left for baby ads in this year’s yearbook. Please stop in room E12 and pick up a form from Ms. Beck. The final deadline is January 22. Don’t miss out on this last chance.
Students: You can still buy your yearbook this year for $80. We are down to a limited number so don’t wait too much longer. Also if you want your name stamped on the cover, this option will only be available until January 15th. Buy yours today!
Attention Juniors & Seniors : Princeton Review is offering an ACT Prep Course for the cost of $349. If you are interested please see Mr. Kiefer by Wednesday, January 20th.
There is a Spanish NHS meeting today for all those that signed up for Whitmore Bolles and need to pick up t-shirts. There are also extra shirts if you would like to purchase one.
All library books are past due! Please return them today!
All students: Do you have a talent you want the school to know about? Then come try out for this year’s Benefit Show. The show will be sponsoring the Dearborn Animal Shelter. The more people, the more help we can give them. Auditions will take place next Friday, Jan. 15th in the auditorium.
Today’s Sports are:
Boys Freshman Basketball away at 3:45 at Romulus
Girls Freshman basketball home at 3:45 again Flat Rock Community Schools
Girls JV Basketball home against Romulus at 5:30
Boys JV Basketball away at Romulus at 5:30
Boys Varsity swimming away at Roosevelt High School at 6:30
Boys Varsity Basketball away at Romulus at 7
Girls Varsity Basketball home against Romulus at 7
Today’s lunch is: Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes and gravy, jello, and Chicken Ceasar salad
Random Fact of the Day: Only humans sleep on their back