Students- Please be advised that any violation of the student code of conduct that results in ISS or OSS will preclude you from attending after school activities for a period of 30 days. Repeat offenders will be excluded for the entire school year.
If you do not have a parking sticker your car will most likely be ticketed today so PLEASE get your sticker as soon as possible!
Students please turn in all absence excuses and doctor’s note to the attendance office.
Schoolcraft College is hosting a college night on Wed. Oct. 7th; 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Stop by the counseling office for a brochure.
Juniors and Seniors: College reps visiting Edsel this week: Alma College on Thursday in sixth hour, HFCC Thursday in 5th hour, and Baker College on Friday in 2nd hour.
Attention Junior girls playing powder puff football: There will be practice today at 6! PLEASE bring your $5 to play or turn into Alyssa Girardi.
The Thornley Court Club is a club that helps to take care of our courtyard and animals. We also fund raise to pay for anything needed to maintain the courtyard. There will be a meeting tomorrow, right after school, upstairs in Ms. Lawlor’s room. Everyone is invited to attend.
Spanish National Honors Society will be having a meeting Tuesday.
All girls interested in joining Edsel Ford Girls basketball program, there will be a meeting today at 2:20 in the cafeteria.
Attention any Juniors or Seniors playing powder puff football, the game has been switched to Tuesday, October 20. Any players who plan on playing must pay the $5 pay to play to either the Junior or Senior class officers before the game day!
Seniors – If you would like to order your “Senior Class Panoramic Group Photograph” you need to go online or mail your order to by midnight this Wednesday, Oct. 7. Additional order forms are available in the main office. Your prints will arrive by mail at your home in just 4 weeks. Don’t miss out; mail today!
Attention seniors: The deadline for senior pictures for this year’s yearbook is Friday, October 16th. If you had your senior pictures taken at a studio, just make sure that studio is planning on sending us a CD and that your picture will be included. If we don’t have a picture, your ID picture WILL be used!
Anyone who donated a dress for the Class of 2010 dress sale should come pick it up from Mrs. Haddad’s room in a204. Please do so before the end of the week. If you would like to donate the dress, please let us know ASAP.
Students: If your parents drop you off in the morning please see Officer Cosenza or Mrs. Wojo in the Main Office for a letter explaining a new drop off procedure in the morning.
All girls interested in joining the 2009/2010 gymnastics team should report to the cafeteria on Thursday immediately after school for an informational meeting.
Attention all students if you do NOT want your picture in this year’s yearbook, the form MUST be turned in to room E-12 by Friday, October 16th or your picture will be used. Forms can be picked up in room E-12 or the main office.
Hey everyone remember yearbooks can now be purchased online at You can also purchase baby and buddy ads, as well as Edsel Ford gear at the same website. Don’t wait another day! Get it now!
Have you ever wished you could leave a reminder for someone forever? Do you have something to say that you want everyone to hear? Now’s your chance! For only five dollars you can buy a “shout out” which will go on one of the pages in this year’s yearbook. There are only 256 pages, so DON’T wait! As a reminder, the yearbook staff and advisor do have the right to refuse admissions or censor for appropriateness. See a yearbook staffer or Ms. Beck in E12 for a form today.
Today’s T-Bird sports are:
No sports today
Today’s lunch will consist of spicy chicken patties, chicken patties, mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken Caesar salad and chicken wraps
Thanks for listening Edsel Ford and have a great day!