Edsel Ford High School

Daily News for April 24, 2009

Good morning, Edsel Ford! Today is Friday, April 24th, and these are your daily announcements.


Student Council officers: there will be a meeting in C-3 at 2:20 on Wednesday,d April 29th.


Prom tickets will be on sale from now until May 8th in the cafeteria: $90 for couples and $50 for singles.


On Thursday, May 14, the Yemen American Public Affairs Council (YAPAC) will be hosting its 5th annual Educational Fair at the University of Michigan – Dearborn from 10:30 to 2:30. If you are interested in attending this event, please sign up in the Counseling Office or in Mr. William Ali’s office by Friday, May 1st.


Seniors: all library materials are due by May 15th.   All fines must be paid to avoid graduation difficulties.


Any seniors interested in trying out for Senior Commencement speeches must stop by C-6 and pick up and information sheet by Mr.Machak by Friday, May 13th.


Election applications for juniors running for student council and sophomores running for junior class officers can be picked up in the student office. Freshmen may pick up their applications from Mrs. Maculiff.  Please read the applications. They are due May 1st.


Today’s lunch will consist of: fish sandwich, au gratin potatoes, tomato soup and our regular menu items.


Now for today’s random fact: 97% of the U.S. population lives within 20 miles of a Walmart.


Thanks for listening, Edsel Ford.   Have a great day!