Edsel Ford High School

Daily News for Feb. 2nd

Good morning, Edsel Ford! Today is Monday, February 2nd, and these are your daily announcements.


Juniors:  Would YOU like to be a member of the EF Report Live Broadcast Crew?  Stop by the LMC (Library Media Center) and pick up an application form.  Applications will be accepted throughout February. 


Attention French NHS:

We will be going to Salina tomorrow during sixth hour. Practice for The Three Bears will be today after school, so anyone involved in the skit PLEASE attend.


Next Wednesday, February 11th, Edsel Ford will be sponsoring the annual wheelchair basketball game.   All proceeds will go to Wigs For Kids.   If you would like to play in the game, class officers will be signing five boys and five girls from each class.


Freshman Class Officers: There will be a meeting on Feb. 3 in room C-3 after school.


Edsel Ford now has a Knitting Club. Staff and students are welcome to bring their projects and meet in F13 every Thursday after school.


Credit Recovery for second semester, it will begin TOMORROW for those who have registered and paid.   Class meets in room F8 from 2:25 to 3:25.  The door is locked at 2:30 and students will not be admitted after that time, so you must be on time.


All students: you can still buy a yearbook for $70. There are less than forty to purchase,  so don’t wait! Get yours today! Also, baby and buddy ads are still available until space has been filled.


This year’s Sponge Dance will be held on Friday, March 13th from 7-10 pm. Guest Passes are available and ID’s will be required at the door. Tickets will be sold throughout the month of February at both lunches by class officers. $40 per couple and $25 for singles.

If you owe a fine or have been suspended in or out of school for any reason during the second semester, you will not be allowed to attend the Sponge Dance.



Now for today’s sports:

Girls Gymnastics will be home at 7 against Walled Lake High School.


Today’s lunch will consist of:

Burritos, Spanish rice, coleslaw, hamburgers, spicy fries, cheese rolls, bosco sticks, sandwiches, salads, chicken noodle soup, and cookies.



Now for today’s random fact:

The only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles coexist is Florida.


Thanks for listening, Edsel Ford. Have a great day!