Edsel Ford High School

Daily News for March 25th

Good morning Edsel Ford. Today is Tuesday, March 25th, and these are your daily announcements. 


Edsel Ford Blood Drive

for the Red Cross has been rescheduled for Friday, March 28.  If you signed up, you will be scheduled for donation times based on your requested hours.  If there are any new 17 year olds who would like to donate, please see Mr. Tyler, Kelly Mihalik or Nadia Ourchane.  Make sure to eat a good breakfast on Friday. 

Students: You will notice new posters around the school. These posters are reminders that safe driving skills should become habits every time we get into a car. 

Yearbooks will be on sale during lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  The cost will be $65 until April 15th. After that date the cost will be $70 per book.  Students may also purchase a book in room E12 before or after school.  Books may be purchased with cash or by check made out to

High School.

Students wishing to enter the Safe Driving Competition:     remember to turn in your paragraph to Mr. Tyler in C-3 by Tuesday, April 8. The dates for the test drives are either April 10th or the 11th. 

Today’s lunch menu will consist of chicken patties on a bun, mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken noodle soup, hamburgers, cheese rolls, turkey sandwich, tuna sandwich, stromboli’s, and cookies 

Today’s Random Fact: The largest cheesecake ever made weighed 57,508 pounds. 

Thanks for listening Edsel Ford.    Have a great day.