Edsel Ford High School

May 24, 2012


THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2012


Attention Class of 2013!  Today is the LAST DAY to buy your senior shirts in time for Senior Shirt Day!  Go to the EFHS website to purchase!  www.dearbornschools.org click on Edsel Ford and proceed. Wear them June 8!

Girls Track Athletes need to return their clean uniform to Mrs. Bahena in room A203 as soon as possible.

Don’t forget that May Day is TODAY for all link leaders.  See you in the big gym at 2:25!!!

There will be no Tutoring TODAY Thursday this week!!

ALL LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE TODAY THURSDAY, MAY 24TH.  NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!! Teachers if you are holding books for students they will be charged a fine of 10 cents a day.

Spring Athletes:  The banquet to celebrate your athletic accomplishments will be held Monday June 11th at 5pm.  Registration forms must be turned in to your team coordinator, Mr. Picano or Mrs. Keveney in the main office by June 1st.  If you don’t have the form, please pick one up from the main office.

Seniors that attended the prom!  Go to doriguzziphotoart@yahoo.com and type in “prom” to get your pictures.

“There will be a Model UN meeting TODAY Thursday after school in room B-9.”

 There will be an Islamic Club party to celebrate the end of the year.  It will be on Thursday May 24th in room A-1 after school.  Everyone is welcome to attend! 

Attention all students who earned an “Incomplete” last semester: You must complete your e2020 course or the “incomplete” automatically becomes an “E” on your transcript.  Please confirm with Ms. Jebril when you have completed the course.

Yearbooks are in and look amazing! We will be handing them out  as follows:

Sophomores and Freshmen- pick yours up Thursday AFTER SCHOOL in E-12