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Edsel Ford High School

Daily Bulletin: March 23, 2010

EF Report

Tuesday March 23, 2010

All cast and crew of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” there is an important meeting tomorrow at 2:30 in the auditorium. Be there or be quadrilateral! Questions? See Mrs. Hurst.

You may have been wondering all night WHY is the census important.. Well census information affects the number of seats your state occupies in the U.S. House of Representatives. And people from many walks of life use census data to advocate for causes, rescue disaster victims, prevent diseases, research markets, locate pools of skilled workers and more.

Students: There are still several cars without parking stickers in the student lot. We will be ticketing cars more frequently and without notice. Please make sure you have a sticker on your car.

Attention girls varsity basketball players: Uniforms will be collected right after school in the cafeteria on Thursday March 25th. Please Remember to bring your bag, uniforms, reversables, and warm- up on Thursday for collection.

If you turned in pictures for baby or buddy ads, you may pick them up in room E-12 anytime between classes or before school. This year’s yearbook is completed, but it is not too late to order your copy. There are not many more available. In fact, there are no “blue” covers left to order. Don’t wait until the price goes up to $85 when the books come in, order yours TODAY!

Green club meeting this Thursday, March 25th afterschool in Mrs. Haddad’s room. Attendance is VERY important! See you there!

REMINDER for SENIORS & CTE TEACHERS: Otto Rowen Scholarhip applications are due to the CTE office Friday, March 26, 2010.

STAFF AND STUDENTS: Staff please make sure you have a staff sticker on your car. Students—you are not allowed to park in the teachers lot—of you do so you will be ticketed—the lot will be checked daily.

There will be a mandatory NHS meeting this Wednesday March 24th

STUDENTS: Remember that your cell phone, IPOD, or any other electronic device is to be OFF and in your locker during the school day. Also, any item that is confiscated will be subject to a 24 hour hold AND a parent pick – up.

There will be a TFC meeting in room A2 today!

Today’s lunch is chicken patties, spicy chicken patties, chicken Caesar salad, and JELLO

Random Fact of the Day: In your lifetime, you’ll shed over 40 pounds of skin.