Edsel Ford High School

Daily Bulletin: January 20, 2010

Daily Announcements

Wednesday January 20th, 2010


All library books are past due! Please return them today!


Attention Seniors: There are a couple more spaces left for baby ads in this year’s yearbook. Please stop in room E12 and pick up a form from Ms. Beck. The final deadline is January 22nd. Don’t miss out on this last chance

You can also still buy your yearbook this year for $80. We are down to a limited number so don’t wait too much longer! Thank you!


Attention all Senior Football players and cheerleaders:

Scholarship applications are available for the Dearborn Youth Football Association Scholarship. A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a senior football player or cheerleader who participated in the Dearborn Lions organization. Pick up your scholarship application from Mr. Picano in the athletic office.


There will be a GSA  meeting this Thursday, January 21st at 2:20 after school in room C-4.


STUDENTS: Please be reminded that there are no hats or hoods to be worn at school. Failure to comply with this is direct violation of the student code of conduct and you will be disciplined accordingly.


Today’s Sports are:

Boys Varsity Wrestling away at Fordson at 6:30

Girls Varsity Gymnastics away at Saline at 6:30

Boys Varsity Hockey away at Woodhaven at 7


Today’s lunch is: ravioli with meat sauce, and crazy bread!


Random Fact of the Day: 203 million dollars is spent on barbed wire each year in the US.