Edsel Ford High School

Daily Bulletin: November 30, 2009

Attention seniors: because of the large demand, the baby and buddy ad deadline has been extended to the end of November after Thanksgiving Break. There are only a couple of spaces left so make sure you get yours in early! See Ms. Beck in E12 for a form.


Think that only girls can bump, set, and spike? Boys, here’s your chance to prove volleyball can be a man’s game too! This year’s first annual Boy’s Volleyball Tournament will be held on tomorrow at 8:00pm in the big gym. If any boys are interested in playing, please give your name to the representative signing up players for your grade. Seniors contact Kevin King. Juniors contact Hayden McDade. Sophomores contact Troy Hanson. Freshman contact Cody Cowart. There is a $5 pay to play fee for all players, and admission will cost $3


There will be no late start this Wednesday, late start Wednesdays have been postponed indefinitely.


Today’s lunch is: nachos and cheese, chicken noodle soup, and bosco sticks

The Random Fact of the Day is: Americans, on average, eat 18 acres of pizza a day.