Edsel Ford High School

Daily News for September 9th

EF Report


Good morning, Edsel Ford.  Today is Tuesday, September 9th, and these are your daily announcements.


Students:  Please be aware of the rules for cell phones, iPods, and electronics.  Not knowing what the rules are will NOT excuse you from the consequences of having your electronics confiscated.  Also, we will not be responsible for your lost or stolen electronic device.


If you bring your cell phone or any electronic device to school, you are subject to the following rules:

            First offense:  electronics confiscated, held for 24 hours and parent must pick up.

Second offense:  electronics confiscated, held for 24 hours, parent pick up AND you receive one day of ISS

Third offense:  electronics confiscated, parent pick up AND one day of

Any additional offenses will result in parent pick up and a 3-day


The Welcome Wiggle Dance will be Friday, September 12 from 9 to 11 pm after the game.  ID is required at the door.  Tickets are $5 and will be sold at both lunches.  Hope to see you there.


Freshmen, if you did not come to spring orientation, you can pick up your new Edsel Ford T-shirt from Mrs. McAuliff in room A200. You will need your I.D. to do this. Show your school spirit by wearing black and white on Fridays.


Freshman there will be a freshman tailgate on Friday this week before the football game. More details to follow.


The Islamic Club will be having its first meeting Wednesday in Room A-1.  The meeting will start at 2:30 and will end at 3:15.  Everyone is welcome.


Attention: I need 20 current NHS students to help out at Open House from 6:45-9pm. Please see Mrs. Welmers to sign up.


Attention seniors:  Baby ads are due to Ms. Beck in E12 by October 31st.  See the yearbook staff for details.


Yearbooks will be on sale in the cafeteria during lunches until Friday, September 12th.  for $60, or $65 with name stamping.  Buy them now for the lowest price all year.


Attention seniors:  Senior pictures must be turned in to Ms. Beck in E12 by September 26th if you want to be pictured in this year’s yearbook.


Attention Drama Club: Do you want to be an adjudicator for the PAGE awards? Do you want to see other high schools shows for free? If you answered yes to either question, you MUST attend the adjudicator training session TODAY at 3:30 at the

High School auditorium. If you have any questions see Miss Hurst in room A3.


Now for today’s sports: Girls Varsity Swimming will be home for their Black and White meet at 6. Girls Varsity Field Hockey will be home against Ladywood at 7.


Today’s lunch menu will consist of:  chicken patties on a bun, mashed potatoes and gravy, hamburgers, chicken noodle soup, salad, vegetables, chicken Caesar salad, cheese rolls, and chocolate pudding.


Thanks for listening, Edsel Ford.  Have a great day!